

…The secure solution for the RHEINZINK standing seam system By inventing the CLIPFIX system in 2012, RHEINZINK…

Shiplap panel

… Perfectly matching production for every property Facade system and matching roof drainage products from a…

Fassade eines Bürogebäudes mit Stulppaneel

Charlottehaven The Tower

Copenhagen, Denmark

Creating a reference to the former industrial environment was the inspiration for Lundgaard & Tranberg Architects when designing the façade of the Charlottehaven The Tower in the Copenhagen…

Primary School

Vienna, Austria

The primary school on Esslinger Hauptstrasse in Vienna’s 22nd district was expanded with a very special new building. What might appear as arbitrarily arranged vertical lines on the facade…

Fassade einer Volkshochschule in Wien mit RHEINZINK-Winkelstehfalz


Roof and Façade
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Residential Building Repino

Repino / St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

The small suburb of Repino of the city of St. Petersburg is located about 45km northwest of the city center on the Gulf of Finland and is idyllic home to about 2500 inhabitants. The resort…

Zinc House - Residential Building

Waikanae, New Zealand

The 2014 residential building in the North Island town of Waikanae, New Zealand, has many distinctive features: With spectacular views of the harbor on the hillside, the resulting gardens…

Gutter Systems

System Technology for Rainwater Goods
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General Contractors

… using RHEINZINK products. Roofs and gutters, facade cladding and architectural details can all be a…

Bauherren-Paar vor Einfamilienhaus mit Dachentwässerung aus RHEINZINK

Residential and Commercial Building

Bensberg, Germany

No two windows are alike. A roof that looks like it has a randomly arranged zig-zag shape decorates a residential and commercial building in Bensberg. The lower floors in the solid…